Six Points Theater strives to produce work that is relevant, impactful, and true to lived Jewish experiences. We work intentionally to create a culture of honesty, transparency, and support. We understand that our varied racial, ethnic, geographic, and ideological backgrounds, mean we may not always be aware of personal behavior that disrespects such differences. We recognize that authenticity includes realizing our own dishonesty and ways in which our biases may impact our worldview. In Judaism, truth (emet), justice (tzedek), and peace (shalom) are the three fundamental principles that maintain the world, and we will continue to honor those principles in all of our work.
Artistic Excellence
Six Points Theater aspires to produce work of the highest artistic standards. We recognize that our theater is made possible by the commitment and talent of the artists and staff that work here. We seek to create a space where all artists, onstage and off, can use their talents individually and collectively to achieve their best work through a supportive and enriching environment. The intimacy of Six Points Theater and the talents of our artists allow our audience to immerse itself into the magic of a well told story. Our Doorways programs complement the work on stage and are made possible by respected professionals whose expertise enhance the artistic and educational value of the work.
Trust is integral to the work of Six Points Theater. We place our trust in our artists and staff to produce meaningful work that entertains, educates, challenges, and ultimately impacts our community. Our audiences can trust us with their time and resources, knowing that we will respect their support with work that explores Jewish stories that highlight the common dreams and struggles of our shared humanity. We encourage feedback and communication, both when our work makes an impact, and when we miss the mark. We strive to continue to earn the trust others have placed in us for over a generation from our start as Minnesota Jewish Theatre Company to Six Points Theater today.
At Six Points Theater we endeavor to provide theater that feels fresh and new while keeping true to our history. We champion new plays and playwrights and are willing to experiment with location (from stage to temple and beyond) or format (including virtual and mixed mediums) to better serve the story and to reach new audiences. We remain aware of current events, and will continue to explore the ways in which our understanding of history can help us engage with current events from a Jewish perspective. We respect theatrical and intellectual research, and will incorporate new ideas to remain a vital artistic organization.
Six Points Theater is committed to responsibly managing resources. We will be good stewards of the talents of our artists and staff by treating them in a fair and equitable way and providing them a safe space to explore their abilities and craft in a culture where they feel supported and heard. We will be good stewards of the financial resources provided to us by all of our donors, to whom we are so grateful and without which this theater and its mission could not exist. We will continue to be good stewards of the trust that all individuals, businesses, and institutions have placed in us over the years to connect Jewish themes to universal ones and to make our world a better place.
Tikkun Olam
Tikkun Olam (pronounced tee-KOON oh-LUHM) is a Hebrew phrase for the Jewish value of 'repairing the world.' This invokes human responsibility for understanding and action to bring about repair. Six Points Theater remains aware of concerns voiced within the local and national theatrical communities, and recognizes the importance of addressing these concerns within our organization. We believe in the power of listening to others’ voices, and we value and celebrate diversity of individuals and beliefs. We support individuals of all cultures and backgrounds, their equal rights, and equity. We are committed to exploring differences, illuminating commonalities, and fostering greater understanding on stage and off.
Six Points Theater's Core Values